VATICAN CITY // The Francis Revolution is underway. Not everyone is pleased.
Four months into his papacy, Francis has called on young Catholics in the trenches to take up spiritual arms and shake up a dusty, doctrinaire church that is losing faithful and relevance. He has said women must have a greater role - not as priests, but with a place in the church that recognises that Mary was more important than any of the apostles. And he has turned the Vatican upside down, quite possibly knocking the wind out of a poisonously homophobic culture by merely uttering the word "gay" and saying: "so what?"
In between, he has charmed millions of faithful and the mainstream news media, drawing the second-largest crowd to a papal Massin history. That should provide some insurance as he goes about doing what he was elected to do: reforming not just the dysfunctional Vatican bureaucracy but the church itself, using his own persona and personal history as a model.
"He is restoring credibility to Catholicism," said a church historian, Alberto Melloni.
But such enthusiasm is not shared across the board.
Francis's predecessor, Benedict XVI, had coddled traditionalist Catholics attached to the old Latin Mass and opposed to the modernising reforms of the Second Vatican Council. That group greeted Francis's election with concern - and now is watching its worst fears come true. Francis has spoken out both publicly and privately against such "restoratist groups," which he accuses of being navel-gazing retrogrades out of touch with the evangelising mission of the church in the 21st century.
His recent decision to forbid priests of a religious order from celebrating the old Latin Mass without explicit authorisation seemed to be abrogating one of the big initiatives of Benedict's papacy, a 2007 decree allowing broader use of the pre-Vatican II Latin liturgy for all who want it. The Vatican denied he was contradicting Benedict, but the restoratists see a threat in Francis's words and deeds. They are in something of a retreat.
"Be smart. There will be time in the future for people to sort what Vatican II means and what it doesn't mean," Rev John Zuhlsdorf warned his traditionalist readers in a recent blog post. "But mark my words: If you gripe about Vatican II right now, in this present environment, you could lose what you have attained."
Even some mainstream conservative Catholics are not thrilled with Francis.
In a recent interview with the National Catholic Reporter, the Philadelphia archbishop, Charles Chaput, said right-wing Catholics "generally have not been really happy" with Francis.
To be sure, Francis has not changed anything about church teaching. Nothing he has said or done is contrary to doctrine; everything he has said and done champions the Christian concepts of loving the sinner but not the sin and having a church that is compassionate, welcoming and merciful.
But tone and priorities can themselves constitute change, especially when considering issues that are not being emphasised, such as church doctrine on abortion, gay marriage and other issues frequently referenced by Benedict and his predecessor, Pope John Paul II.
The Vatican newspaper, L'Osser-vatore Romano, used the word "gay" for perhaps the first time in its 150-year history on Wednesday, in an article marvelling at the change Francis has brought.
"In just a few words, the novelty has been expressed clearly and without threatening the church's tradition," the newspaper said about Francis's comments on gays and women. "You can change everything without changing the basic rules, those on which Catholic tradition are based."
The biggest headline came in Francis's inflight news conference on the way home from Brazil this week, when he was asked about a trusted monsignor who reportedly once had a gay lover.
"Who am I to judge?" he asked, when it comes to the sexual orientation of priests, as long as they are searching for God and have good will.
Under normal circumstances, given the sexual morality at play in the Catholic Church, outing someone as actively gay is a death knell for career advancement.
Francis also made headlines with his call for the church to develop a new theology of women's role, saying it is not enough to have altar girls or a woman heading a Vatican department given the critical role that women have in helping the church grow.
While those comments topped the news from the 82-minute news conference, he revealed plenty of other insights that reinforce the idea that a very different papacy is under way.
He said the church's judicial system of annulling marriages must be "looked at again" because church tribunals simply are not up to the task. Many Catholics often have to wait years for an annulment, the process by which the church determines that a marriage effectively never took place.
And then there was Rio.
From the moment he touched down, it was clear change was afoot. No armoured popemobile, just a simple Fiat sedan - one that got swarmed by adoring fans when it got lost and stuck in traffic. Rather than recoil in fear, Francis rolled down his window. Given that popes until recently were carried around on a chair to keep them above the fray, that gesture alone was revolutionary.
"Either you do the trip as it needs to be done, or you don't do it at all," he was quoted as saying on Brazil's TV Globo. He said he simply could not have visited Rio "closed up in a glass box".
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